Mayer Tumulus

Louis Mayer
(?-October 19, 1909)

One of the most interesting tombs at Kensico (indeed, it is one of the most unique tombs in the United States) is the Mayer mausoleum. The mausoleum was featured in an iconic tomb tome Memorial Art: Ancient and Modern authored by Harry A Bliss in 1914.

The Mayer mausoleum is in the form of a tumulus. The tumulus is one of the oldest formal burial monuments. Examples of tumuli can be seen dotting many countryside areas in Europe. One of the most famous concentrations of tumuli are Etruscan tombs just northwest of modern day Rome. There are hundred of little hills, each of which is a burial site, sometimes for a single person, but most often used for multiple burials. Little is known about Louis Mayer or the seven occupants of the Mayer tumulus style mausoleum.
Text and photo © Douglas Keister Visit Doug’s Author Page

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